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Caregiver Consulting

Whether you need recommendations, support, or answers, we are committed to simplifying the world of complex communication.
Solutions and Support for Caregivers and Parents of AAC Users

Caregiver consulting is designed to educate, train, and empower parents and caregivers to effectively advocate for and communicate with their child. Throughout a child’s communication development we work to create a safe space for questions and concerns, ensuring parents manage feelings of overwhelm and feel supported in the process.

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Common Consulting Topics

Education on how AAC can help individuals communicate


How to get your child's AAC device funded by insurance


Troubleshooting why your child is not having success using his/her current technology


Training to help parents feel confident using AAC technology to support communication


Strategies to expand your child's communication functions


Developing strategies to facilitate your child in developing friendships with peers


Supporting sibling communication and interactions


Understanding and navigating the IEP process


LAMP Words for Life® vocabulary and approach support and training

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